Friday, August 12, 2011

Why aren't there any 'miracles' these days?

Back in the good Old Testament days, a guy couldn't walk from Bethlehem to Jerusalem without stumbling over half a dozen miracles lying in the middle of the road, stinking up the place. Now, nothing. Do you suppose the advent of video cameras and educated, intelligent, skeptical witnesses makes all the difference?

Complicated lovelife.. and that for real!?

Ask him outright. But choose your word's carefully, Something like, "I was wondering what you were thinking about ect...." Good luck!

What music or albums do you listen to while driving?

I've had Foo Fighters' The Color And The Shape album in my car's cd player for a week now after seeing them live.

What is a good pep talk for him?

My best guy friend really likes this girl that a junior. We're seniors. He knows how to talk to girls and all that but sometimes he just needs to be reminded/motivated. I tell him that he's a wonderful guy and that any girl would be lucky to have him. What are some other good things to remind him of?

Our French Drain contractor wants to use the sock only, no gravel. Is this aceptable?

We are having a french drain installed behind a concrete filled masonry retaining wall that is 36-42 inches high. He is planning to sock the black flex hose with no gravel and no waterproofing. Just back fill with soil... what is the likely outcome? What should we ask for?

Did the media influence your decision, to vote for Obama in 2008?

Nothing influenced me I seen right through that pitiful lying stack of siht the first time I ever laid eyes on his sorry ash.

Why would a person come around you and frown at you?

I have a coworker who is female so am I she comes around me and wants me to talk to her but she doesn't like me. Example I'm working she is standing behind me frowning if I have use a conditioner in my hair She frowns at the smell. She has implied I stink etc. I use listerine after lunch open my mouth to reply to her she frown. She always comes around me staring either frowning shaking her shoulders even biting her lip. Why would someone come around you and they don't like you? WHY?!! She also said she hate me lol I'm female